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Books and Manuals

Books and Manuals Mystic Army Navy Store offers a unique selection of military field manuals and books. Physical fitness fans will enjoy our Marine Corps and Navy SEAL workout books. We carry official military manuals on outdoor survival, aircrew emergency survival, cold weather operations, jungle operations and military mountaineering. We offer detailed reference books on Marine Corps medals, Air Force medals, military patches and military medals and ribbons. We have ALICE pack  and clothing care manuals. For military or civilian first aid we have official first aid for soldiers and Special Forces medical manuals. Weapons enthusiasts will enjoy our M-14 rifle, 30 caliber carbine, SKS rifle,  AK-47, M-16 rifle,  pistol and revolver, M-1 Garand, and 45 caliber pistol manuals. We also carry unique manuals on guerrilla warfare, anti-armor warfare, rigging and knots, map reading, hand-to-hand fighting, sniper operations,  the USMC guide, Army Ranger handbook and professional lessons learned from Viet Nam.
Mystic Army Navy Store offers a unique selection of military field manuals and books. Physical fitness fans will enjoy our Marine Corps and Navy SEAL workout books. We carry official military manuals on outdoor survival, aircrew emergency survival, cold weather operations, jungle operations and military mountaineering. We offer detailed reference books on Marine Corps medals, Air Force medals, military patches and military medals and ribbons. We have ALICE pack and clothing care manuals. For military or civilian first aid we have official first aid for soldiers and Special Forces medical manuals. Weapons enthusiasts will enjoy our M-14 rifle, 30 caliber carbine, SKS rifle, AK-47, M-16 rifle, pistol and revolver, M-1 Garand, and 45 caliber pistol manuals. We also carry unique manuals on guerrilla warfare, anti-armor warfare, rigging and knots, map reading, hand-to-hand fighting, sniper operations, the USMC guide, Army Ranger handbook and professional lessons learned from Viet Nam.  
·Press on Details ticket to see the item's details Books and Manuals
Name Price Details
US Army Training Circular: SKS Rifle
For weapons collectors and enthusiasts, this 22 page softcover Army circular provides what you need to know to operate, clean and maintain t ...
$9.99 Details
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United States Marine Guidebook of Essential Subjects
Every former Marine will remember this pocket size manual of essential subjects. Includes: Marine Corps history, customs and courtesy, close ...
$9.99 Details
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Army Field Manual-Guerrilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations
Army Field Manual (FM 31-21) Guerrilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations. How do our special forces operate in Afghanistan? This field m ...
$9.99 Details
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Army Field Manual - Map Reading and Land Navigation
Department of the Army Field Manual (FM 21-26), Map Reading and Land Navigation, provides detailed information on topographic map use, map s ...
$9.99 Details
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Army Technical Manual - Rigging
Department of the Army Technical Manual (TM 5-725), Rigging, provides a ready reference for knots, splices, hoists, anchors and guy lines, l ...
$9.99 Details
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Combatives Hand-to-Hand Fighting
U.S. Army Field Manual FM 21-150. Hand to Hand Combat with detailed moves on self defense and take out. Learn how to handle close range, med ...
$9.99 Details
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US Army Field Manual: Survival
Department of the Army Field Manual FM 21-76 provides a key guide for finding water, making shelters, foraging for food and many other essen ...
$9.99 Details
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